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Writer's pictureThe Thrifty Pilot

Monday, Sept. 18, 2017, is the last day general aviation pilots can reserve their $500 rebates to in

The installation of an ADS-B transponder, in my opinion, has to be one of the best and most worthwhile upgrades I have done with to my aircraft. The ADS-B rebate program has assisted hundreds of GA pilots in being able to afford the upgrade and in-turn provide a safer airspace within the United States.

Below is some information on the rebate, process and time frames related to the program. Get in when you still have a chance to take advantage of this great incentive!


Monday, Sept. 18, 2017, is the last day general aviation pilots can reserve their $500 rebates to install ADS-B.

Starting Jan. 1, 2020, airplanes must be equipped with ADS-B Out to fly in most controlled airspace.

For the past year, the FAA has offered the rebate as an incentive to get GA aircraft owners to equip before the Sept. 18, 2017, deadline.

Although the last day to make a reservation is Sept. 18, eligible aircraft owners who make a reservation by the deadline will still have time to complete the remaining steps in the process to receive the rebate check.

Aircraft eligible for the rebate are U.S.-registered, fixed-wing, single-engine piston aircraft whose operation requires an onboard pilot, first registered before Jan 1, 2016.

Eligible equipment

Avionics that are certified to FAA Technical Standard Orders and meet the program rules (software upgrades of existing equipment are not eligible).

Rebates are not available for aircraft already equipped with rule compliant ADS-B or for aircraft the FAA has previously paid or committed to pay for upgrades to meet the ADS-B mandate.

Where to Fly:

To receive the rebate, eligible aircraft must be flown in rule airspace, which is the airspace defined in 14 CFR §91.225 for at least 30 minutes, with at least 10 aggregate minutes of maneuvering flight.

Exception: In Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, flight of an eligible aircraft above 10,000 feet MSL and within FAA ADS-B coverage will qualify as meeting the airspace requirements for the rebate program.


The FAA is offering a $500 rebate to help owners of less-expensive general aviation aircraft equip now with the required avionics. Starting January 1, 2020, you must be equipped with ADS-B Out to fly in most controlled airspace. Federal Regulations 14 CFR 91.225 and 14 CFR 91.227 contain the details. The program will run for one year from September 19, 2016 or until all 20,000 rebates have been claimed.

Update: If you purchased and installed a NavWorx unit after September 18, 2016, ADS-B Rebate Program will allow aircraft owners with NavWorx ADS600-B avionics, part numbers 200-0012/0013, who intend to comply with section (e)(1)(iv) of the recent Airworthiness Directive (AD 2017-11-11), or use an FAA-approved Alternative Method of Compliance, to apply for a rebate. For more information, please refer to the FAQ.

Are you eligible for a rebate?

Eligible aircraft: Defined as U.S.-registered, fixed-wing, single-engine piston aircraft whose operation requires an onboard pilot, first registered before Jan 1, 2016.

Eligible equipment: Avionics that are certified to FAA Technical Standard Orders and meet the program rules (software upgrades of existing equipment are not eligible). Rebates are not available for aircraft already equipped with rule compliant ADS-B or for aircraft the FAA has previously paid or committed to pay for upgrade(s) to meet the ADS-B mandate.

Where to Fly: To receive the rebate, eligible Aircraft must be flown in rule airspace, which is the airspace defined in 14 CFR §91.225 for at least 30 minutes, with at least 10 aggregate minutes of maneuvering flight (Part 23 flight maneuvers as described in AC 20-165B sections

Exception: In Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, flight of an Eligible Aircraft above 10,000 feet MSL and within FAA ADS-B coverage will qualify as meeting the airspace requirements for the Rebate program. Learn more about rule airspace.

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